A blog of book reviews, by 'Til

'Til I write my own novel, I'll read the work of others and write my thoughts here. . . for research.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

2007 wrap up

i was taking a look back at all my past entries and . . . i've been through a lot this year. we've passed my birthday, easter, 4th of july, halloween and a thanksgiving. over all i had a really great 2007. i barely worked at all and yet i was paid as if i'd worked a great deal. i couldn't be more blessed this year. with the birth of my second son and the health of my entire family. however now the year is nearly over. we're winding down to the last few days of 2007. i'm both excited and upset. time is the enemy. i'm getting older, my baby's getting teeth, we are choosing a a middle school for my oldest son. but they say that bad things happen in sets of three and my time has come. a few weeks ago, while praying to the Lord, i told Him how blessed i was and thanking Him for all the good in my life. everything was well. however, its over now. my grandfather is in the hospital yet again. each visit getting more serious than the next. technically i'm prepared for the death of my grandfather. it is part of the life cycle and he's had a wonderful long life with many people who love him and will pray for him to reach heaven. that's only the technical part. in reality, seeing my mother's father pass will destroy me. secondly, i had a minor car accident yesterday all was well, there was no damage. until today when the lady changed her mind but my insurance refused to pay claiming it was equal fault. ordinarily this would be wonderful news (and it still is) but i work with this lady. we revered into each other in the company parking lot yesterday. superb. and something that would only happen to me. third . . . . the third thing is out there. hanging over me like my own personal storm cloud like in cartoons, only raining on me. i'm waiting for it. it's coming and soon. i need to be careful that i am not my own third event, but i'm sure i know what it is or will be.