The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks
One of the reviews I read on goodreads.com said that you will need an insulin shot just to read a Nicholas Sparks book. I kept away from good-ol' Nick Spark for years because of these kinda slams. I am so mad and stricken with sadness that I let the options of others keep me away from the best author EVER!!
I love this sap sappy sappiness. . . lOve it, eat it with a spoon!
Julie Barenson finds herself back on the dating scene four years after the death of her husband. With no family and only a hand-full of close friends, her husband gifted her a great dane puppy after he died to keep her company. The puppy arives four months after his death in box with a note from him where he promises to continue watching over her.
The "guardian" theme runs wild throughout the book. Its never perfectly clear who the real guardian is, but I think the author wanted it that way. Everybody is a guardian of someone. As everybody needs a guardian in this story because Nicholas Sparks has added some suspencse to this book. It is a love story before it is a triller, but still effective.
She's a young widow who's never really dated. So when Julie does start dating; she decides to date a few "wrong guys" before ending up when the right man. In the back of her mind, she knows who this right man is, but the idea of him is overwhelming and ethically questionable. However, dating turnes out to be much more than Julie ever expected or deserved.
Again, I love Nicholas Sparks and I have another lovefest lined up for review. It was a great read; totally worth the tears and fist shaking in the air. Then again, I am that kindda reader. It may not be everybody's cup of tea.
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