A blog of book reviews, by 'Til

'Til I write my own novel, I'll read the work of others and write my thoughts here. . . for research.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Charlie All Night by Jennifer Cruise

Hot! Hot! Hot!. . . This book is hot.

It's an easy read paperback I found in a junk pile of books at a yard sale marked for a nickle. It was the best nickle I ever spent on entertainment.

Allie is a high maintenance do-gooder trying to be career savvy as a radio station producer in a small town. When she meets Charlie her whole life turns upside down. He's the bad-boy who's fun to have "fun" with but no respectable girl would ever take him home, right? Turns out he's working at the same radio station with her and suddenly they are spending time together around the clock. However, its only a temporary arrangement because Charlie has a quick job to do in Allie's small town and then he'll be on his way.

When I meet other couples, or even close friends, I always like to know their how-did-you-meet story. In high school, in college, we worked together once, she does my taxes, he mowes my lawn. . . etc. It's interesting stuff. This is that kind of story. Only Jennifer Cruise has added spice. I've always said that mine and my husbands story would make a great book one day. I'll have to around to that.

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