A blog of book reviews, by 'Til

'Til I write my own novel, I'll read the work of others and write my thoughts here. . . for research.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

2008 4th of July

it seems like just yesterday toby was celebrating his very first holiday which was 4th of july 2007 and now he's on round 2! he fell into a whole this year to celebrate. my heart stopped for several seconds until i realized what had happened. my first thought was of "baby jessica" who fell down a well in the late 80's. she was 18 months old and survived 2 1/2 days underground. toby's event wasn't quite as dramatic. . .no media was necessary. we were able to pull him out butt first from the 10 inch deep whole soon to be a water meter in the front yard of someones new home in mckinney. he came out with only a scratch to show for it.

other than that we had a great 4th. vic invited us for for bbqed burgers and our choice of firework shows that surrounded his house. thanks vic, we had a blast!

1 comment:

you can call me al said...

Tobes fell in a hole??!! Ahhh!