somewhere between 2 and 5 days out of the week i am at home alone with the kids in the evenings because rod has to work. during this time i am often bored out of my mind especially now that it's summer time. during the school year i'm often too busy yelling at thomas to do his homework, take a bath and brush his teeth that i don't even notice that rod's not home. but this summer thomas has no responsibilities outside of playing halo 3 and blogging on youtube. i do throw in the occasional chore for him to do just to make him feel like he's a "slave .. . A SLAVE WHO HAS TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE!!!" thanks thomas for vacuuming that one rug, now i'm free of all household duties for the whole year!!! --sarcasm : )
therefore, i've tried to incorporate some "outside time" for me and the boys. we started one night by taking a walk. we were off to a bad start the first time because i miscalculated what time it got dark outside and we headed out at 9pm. we ended up taking our walk under street lights, which scared thomas half-to-death. but we've gotten better and have a great route we follow now. however, most nights we just hang out of the front porch for a bit to play with the cat and get some air. i love summer nights in texas; they always remind me of being 16!
1 comment:
omg!! i really love those pics, the boys are so darn cute.
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