this will be tommy's very last field day. as his elementary days come to an end, i am overwhelmingly calm. i sure it's because he's been very calm about it. only i don't think that he has a full understanding of the magnitude of the changes that are ahead of him. i don't want to talk to him about it and chance scaring him. but i don't want to to not talk to him about it and chance him being caught completely off guard. once he gets to his new school there will be no doubting that he's not in elementary any longer. he's soo little. it seems impossible that he belongs in the same building as 8th graders. my school district has failed me. anyhow, i have all summer to prepare the little man for jr. high. the first thing on my agenda is making it clear to him that he has GOT to stop buttoning his polo shirts all the way up to the neck.
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