A blog of book reviews, by 'Til
Thursday, December 11, 2008
it's about that time. . . CHRISTMAS TIME

Saturday, November 29, 2008
house of blues. . . micheal jackson night

Friday, October 31, 2008
little month of horrors

Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Poor Greg. He’s at that age. You, know, "that age". The age where your not quite a child, but not quite an adult. It starts at about 12 and last until about 25! It’s the difference between a Happy Meal and a Might Kids Meal.
I had heard about the popular Wimpy Kid book series by Jeff Kinney’s. Then I saw the set at Target, so it seemed that these books were calling to me. I was very lucky to find them both at the used book store for a steal! So, I snatched them up, wrapped them up and gave them to Thomas as a happy-first-day-of-jr.high present. To my surprise he was very happy with my present! I already had my you-have-to-read-them speech prepared; what a waste. He had already read Diary of a Wimpy Kid, but not Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules. We sat down together and each read our Wimpy Kid book.
Greg is the middle child in between a high school aged brother and a baby brother. The book is set up as Greg’s daily diary. He writes about what’s going on in his life and then he adds a detailed picture to go with each entry. It was hilarious! Greg is very similar to Thomas. I found myself rolling laughing throughout most of it as I replaced Greg with Thomas in my head. He tolerates his mom’s nurturing and ignores his dad’s disciplining. He worships his big bother and tortures his baby brother. His best friend is Rowley. Rowley gets on his nerves and is lower on the popularity scale that Greg made up himself. However, Greg is his friend, but mostly out of loyalty at first, and then he realizes that he really does value Rowley as a friend.
I probably will not ready the second book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules, but Thomas loved it! So I signed up on Jeff Kinney’s website to be notified when the third book hits stores. We’ll be first in line at Borders. http://www.wimpykid.com/
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Eating the Cheshire Cat by Helen Ellis
Crazy. . crazy funny. that's the only way to describe this book. Ms. Ellis has to be crazy too. Its about three high school girls that are not friends. However, they impact each other's lives in a big way. The story follows these girls from jr. high to their early college years. Think Mean Girls meets Girl Interrupted.
Sarina is the beeotch of the three. Totally beautiful, cheerleader type. She's not only mean, but a tad evil. The things that she does to get her way cause major problems. She doesn't just spread dirty rumours. Bitty Jack is sweet, smart, not so pretty. . . average looking. Her life is impacted by the horrible things that Sarina does to her and her family from jr. high all the way to college. Lastly, there is Nicole. Nicole and Sarina were best friends in jr. high. She is obsessed with Sarina. Obsessed 'til the very end.
Not only is this story about three girls, but it also gives insight into why they are they way that they are. Their mothers are also part of the story. The mothers are the ones instigating, supporting, and pressuring. We (women) all turn into our mothers. . . . Crap!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing
The Fifth Child is a British novel first published in 1988. So as both a foreign and an older book I was quite surprised at how much I like it. Doris Lessing is extremely talented, creative and sick in the head. The book was terribly disturbing. It was the direct cause of several nightmares.
Harriet and Jack meet at the very beginning of the novel, which sets the quick tone for the rest of the book. Doris Lessing moves quickly and skimps on the detail. At first I found this hard to deal with but it allowed me to use my own imagination for much of story. Harriet and Jack share similar interests, ideas on life and the desire to have a large family. A game of scrabble with a bowl of clam chowder would be their ideal evening spent. They marry quickly and buy an over-sized house for just the two of them. They do so because they plan to fill it with 9 kids! Immediately! Everyone around them is outraged. They insist that 9 children are too many and it’s not fair to the kids or to the family as a whole. However, Harriet and Jack are determined. They begin their family anyhow. Four kids later they are as happy and anyone could have imaged. They regularly fill the house on holidays with all their family and friends. It is the birth of their fifth child, as the title preludes to, which the story turns. The love of a mother can go a long way. It can go to the ends of the earth. But what if your child scares the bujeezus out of you, your husband and all your other kids.
It is never clear what the exact problem is with the fifth child. A great imagination would come in handy here. The ending was mildly believable, but lacked closure. As a mother I am extremely blest. The most outrageous problem we have is a mild case of ADD. Other than that my kids are beautiful, loveable, and healthy. Doris Lessing gave me a reason to thank my lucky stars!

I had fallen in love with Rachel and Darcy’s love-hate relationship that started with drama, but ended in happiness. So, after reading Emily Giffins’ Something Borrowed and Something Blue, it was natural to want to complete the trilogy. Or at least, I assumed it was a trilogy based on the titles. Now along comes Claudia. Claudia was not a character in the first two books so immediately I am confused.
This is the turning point in their story where Ben and Claudia have to truly decide if love can conquer all.
Unfortunately, I cannot relate to Claudia at all. Myself being a mother of two. I like to read as if I am the protagonist in a book. However, I could never bring myself to agree with Claudia, not even a little bit. I found her character selfish and needy. Emily Giffin did a famous good job in the believability of the character. However, the story ended poorly, without resolution. It left me empty handed and mouth ajar.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
not quite the New York Times
so, i'm not technically qualified to review books, but for entertainment purposes; go with me on this one.
Reviews Soon to Come:
Baby Proof by Emily Giffin
The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing
Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel
Eating the Cheshire Cat by Helen Ellis
Diary of a Wimp by Jeff Kinney
Sula by Toni Morrison
Monday, August 25, 2008
Middle School MADNESS!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
work, school & fibromyalgia
also school is about to start again for the '08-'09 school year. thomas will be going to MIDDLE SCHOOL. i am soooo scared. if he's scared he sure isn't showing it, but really i think he is CLUELESS. he has no idea what he's in for. i've tried explaining but it's one of those things the he will have to experience for himself. diney is a sophmore this year, hayden is going to the 2nd grade and jocelyn will be in 4th. but at least all the school clothes and supplies are ready!
me?? i thought i was having a heart attack on friday night. turns out it was heartburn. not a heartattack or fibromyalgia as i had first suspected. i stayed home from work on wednesday to rest after a few "episodes" this past week, so i went to sarah's house to discuss my condition. thomas later told rodney that i was . . . "talking to aunt sarah about her fibromyalgia".
Monday, August 4, 2008
AFV here we come!!!
3 part birthday

part 3
we took thomas to medieval times. he invited one of his friends to join him and we had a good ol' time. actually i think that i had the best time. i've lived in dallas for 21 years and this was my first time there. tobias had a ton of fun. he LOVES to clap and there was lots of clapping there.

Sunday, July 27, 2008
feeding our kids
therefore, we started working on me not feeding him. he will eventually learn to feed himself, but until then, the table's edge is our go-between. here is some video of tobias' new way of eating his meals . . . . hands free.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
an evening outside


2008 4th of July

Thursday, June 26, 2008
this is what happens when. . .