A blog of book reviews, by 'Til

'Til I write my own novel, I'll read the work of others and write my thoughts here. . . for research.

Friday, October 31, 2008

little month of horrors

october really got into the halloween spirit this year and i truly did have a HORRIFIC october (overly dramatic?)

1) i was subjected to an 8-hour diversity training at work

2) i had the worst time getting health insurance

3) my all-time dreaded fear. . .i ran into an old friend i hate, while looking like a hot mess with no make up, sweats, and wet hair

well not everything was terrible. there were also some great events this month that make it ALL worth while

1) i had a to-die-for facial at sarah's birthday spa day

2) rod and i had a GREAT time eating, drinking and dancing for maria's bday

3) i get to go trick-or-treating tonight!!!!!!!

1 comment:

you can call me al said...

I'm glad not everything was terrible, way to be an optimist, Til! That's so very "the glass is half full" of you :)