since our schedules and budget do not allow for a real summer family vacation we always opts for several mini daycations (thaks to steve novello fox 4 news) throughout the summer break. so, last week we both had friday off and made a family day of it. first, some shopping for our poor baby, tom, who has no summer clothes. i came home once to find him wearing his good dress slacks and a sleeveless muscle shirt. next, we hit up the Science Museum Spy exhibit. then some ice skating. which, frankly, we didn't think all the way through. thomas has been begging to go, so off we were. only, we have a 2 year old so 1) toby cannot ice skate, 2) it's actually kindda dangerous out there and 3) rod and i had to take turns pushing/pulling toby around the ice. lastly, we ended our 12 hour day with a pre-4th of july firework show out at lake grapevine. we found a decent spot, got all set up, looking dreamingly out at the lake. and then the show started. . . behind us, on the other side of some trees. . . figures.
it was a great day for thecrears!!

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