thomas completed his first communion this past saturday. we did the whole shabang. i dressed him up, combed his hair, we went to the full mass, invited the whole family and then had a family lunch afterward. he was older than most of the kids there because we waited so long to start him in sunday school. i am really glad that he did this at his age. i think that he'll remember better and appreciate it more in the long run then if he'd done it at 7 or 8 years old. only. . . i am not sure how much of the meaning behind the communion was truly understood by thomas.
here are some classic comments from thomas on the big day:
matilda - please tuck your shirt in!!
thomas - whoever invented tucking in your shirt is stupid! what's even the point of that.
rodney - are you ready??
thomas - for what??
matilda - we're going to lunch with everyone afterward. won't that be fun?
thomas - where's my D.S? (gameboy)
thomas - do i look like uncle victor?
(wearing a pocket watch he got as a gift. it hangs on a chain from his belt loop to his pocket)
matilda - ummmm, no.
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