d.o.m. - "it's Susan, right?"
Susan - "Yes"
d.o.m. - "Ok then Suzie let me tell you . . ."
d.o.m. is the kidna man who will never take a women seriously no matter what her position. the kind who probably doesn't even know your name and you'll never know because he calls you "honey", sweetie" or "sugar peas".
A blog of book reviews, by 'Til
'Til I write my own novel, I'll read the work of others and write my thoughts here. . . for research.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Toby turns Two!!
24 months

my teeny tiny baby turns 2 years old today. because he's growing before my eyes everyday, it's hard to see the changes until i look at pictures. my favoirte thing about tobias growing is talking to him. i love being able to communicate with my baby. even though ALL his sentences start with "i want".
i want daddy
i want milk
i want blanket
i want shoes
i want family guy
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A.I. causes guilty feelings in me

great show last night simon fuller. couldn't have asked for better performances. all and all it was great. well. . . . there were a couple of things.
first off. as the devout catholic that i am, i've always felt the tiniest bit guilty watching american idol just because the word "idol" is in the show's name. exodus 32 stays in the back of my mind the entire hour of every episode. (that's the bible story where the israelites start worshiping a gold cow statue) anyhow, last night's episode included a segment called the "golden idol awards". O.M.G. this really pushed my guilt over the edge. it was a tad unbearable.
lastly, kris allen won. . . you'd think this would be great news for me since i've voted for kris allen each and every week! but, it's not. adam should have won. i think america assumed that adam lambert would win and so a few votes kris' way wouldn't hurt. well. it hurt. not that it makes one single lick of difference. adam will be a huge star no matter what. and probably already has a contract lined up and worked out an agreement with a.i. and kris allen to "fake" loose the show so he could pursue something greater. who knows?
who cares?? it was a great show. i love Queen!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Love is a Battlefield

is it just me who thinks that jordan sparks' new song is a total rip off of pat benartar's Love is a Battlefield?? it could be just me since this is my biggest pet-peeve when it comes to music. so i did some research and found this totally hilarious article.
by Jeremy Medina.
Sparks' new song is the Ryan Tedder-penned mid-tempo jam "Battlefield," off her sophomore album, which is due July 14. "Battlefield" definitely sounds familiar (and not just because of the Pat Benatar connection), but on the scale of barf-tastic ("One Step At a Time") to the hey-I-kinda-like-it ("No Air"), the tune comfortably falls in the middle. To quote the most eloquent Idol judge: For me, it was just alright. For me. But how about for you? And I could just have bad hearing, but I seriously thought Sparks was saying "bitch-er-ama" at the end. But then I realized a) that doesn't even make sense, b) the squeaky-clean daughter of Phillipe would never say such things, and c) she's actually saying "get your armor." My bad. Share your thoughts, Mixers: What do you think of Sparks' new song?
first the bad. . .then the good

first the bad . . . .
tobias spent the first couple of weeks of may sick. he had an ear infection and some constipation. (i'm sure he's glad i shared that with everyone).
he was back to his old self quickly, but not before he passed off sick stick over to me. i have no idea what was wrong with me since i won't go to the dr until my leg is falling off. but i am better now.
then the good. . .
thomas learned to mow the lawn!! it all started several months ago, in september, on our way to a soccer game. we were driving down a very well-to-do street and saw the "landscape company" doing yard work on a house. there was a small boy doing the mowing. he must have been 9 or 10. thomas stopped me before i said a word, but we were obviously thinking the SAME thing! i laughed so hard. well. . .the idea stuck and now 8 months later, thomas is mowing the lawn! good job baby!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
**quote of the day**

"i fell off of my high heel. . . onto my face!"
- bizzy
this lady i know totally reminds me of chelsea handler from Chelsea Lately on the E! channel. looks like her, acts like her, could totally be her. she's hillarious and so then that would make me like her midget assistant Chuy Bravo. i am apathetic toward chuy on the show, but we can handle our own! can't we chuy!!
m'kayla turns 1
angela put together a small party at white rock lake to celebrate m'kayla's first birthday. we had a great time and the weather couldn't have been better.

rodney was in charge of the BBQ. everyone who ate, survived.
rodney was ALSO in charge of the pinata. his patience ran short towards the end. 

thomas is funny when annoyed with me

thomas completed his first communion this past saturday. we did the whole shabang. i dressed him up, combed his hair, we went to the full mass, invited the whole family and then had a family lunch afterward. he was older than most of the kids there because we waited so long to start him in sunday school. i am really glad that he did this at his age. i think that he'll remember better and appreciate it more in the long run then if he'd done it at 7 or 8 years old. only. . . i am not sure how much of the meaning behind the communion was truly understood by thomas.
here are some classic comments from thomas on the big day:
matilda - please tuck your shirt in!!
thomas - whoever invented tucking in your shirt is stupid! what's even the point of that.
rodney - are you ready??
thomas - for what??
matilda - we're going to lunch with everyone afterward. won't that be fun?
thomas - where's my D.S? (gameboy)
thomas - do i look like uncle victor?
(wearing a pocket watch he got as a gift. it hangs on a chain from his belt loop to his pocket)
matilda - ummmm, no.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Dirty Job
By Christopher Moore
Graciousness! I am NOT a fan of sci-fi normally, but after long streak of tear jerky reading I wanted to funny it up a bit. So I purposely went searching for a humorous author. The name Christopher Moore kept coming up. Everything on the Internet about this guy was great. He has great reviews all across the board. Can’t go wrong kind of writer. So, there I was three quarters of the way though A Dirty Job when I realized that. . . . I am STILL not a fan of sci-fi.
Don’t get me wrong Christopher Moore is funny. Funny. Funny. If I were funny, I’d want to be a Charlie Asher kind of funny. Charlie Asher is a second-hand storeowner in downtown San Francisco who mysteriously inherits the dirty job helping people to pass onto the other side. He has to balance his work at the store with being a father to a newborn and also his new job as a "death merchant". Charlie and his two employees, Lilly and Ray run the second hand store. Lilly is a class-skipping Goth-like high school girl with tendencies to say inappropriate things. Ray is a mid-aged ex cop with an Internet dating addiction. It takes Charlie a while to figure out what is going on with him as the job description was not crystal clear. However, once he gets going, Charlie manages for a long while. There is something much larger at hand during the story that Asher doesn’t seem to get until it’s standing beside him.
Christopher Moore’s style of writing was unique because he’s very ambiguous. The reader has to read several sentences to fully understand what is going on. Time skipped from paragraph to paragraph. Also, the vocabulary was. . . contumelious, impenetrable. . . . it was challenging!
There should really be an entirely separate section of humor called sci-fi humor so there isn’t any confusion. As much as I enjoyed the under-reactions of Charlie Asher, I believe I will stick to the over dramatics of Life Time style novels.
There should really be an entirely separate section of humor called sci-fi humor so there isn’t any confusion. As much as I enjoyed the under-reactions of Charlie Asher, I believe I will stick to the over dramatics of Life Time style novels.
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