turns out. . . thomas was sick. it started on saturday with a fever and then a sore throat. thomas is weird because you'd never know he was sick. he does not constantly complain of his ailments the way that i do. i can't understand that boy sometimes. i feel like if you're sick then everyone should know it and feel sorry for you. because of his lack of complaints, i didn't even notice that he was sick until we got home from church on sunday afternoon. so he flopped down on the couch and stayed there until this morning. yesterday was the hardest because his fever sky rocketed to 103.2. by "hardest", i mean hardest on me. tommy was fine. he watched a pokemon marathon. i, on the other hand, had to balance toby on one hip while caring for thomas. i tried to pawn off toby to my mother, but it was a no-go. then i called my phone nurse service all teary eyed, lump-in-throat and all. i felt helpless; all i could do was schedule and appointment for first thing in the morning. dang this labor day.
this morning's visit to dr. ernie proved helpful. we learned tommy didn't have strep but had a viral infection in his throat. a quick stop at the pharmacy. we returned home to find that thomas feels much better, but now my throat is feeling a tad quirky. it always works that way for me.
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