A blog of book reviews, by 'Til

'Til I write my own novel, I'll read the work of others and write my thoughts here. . . for research.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

rule #1 about being married. . . .

(to me at least) don't go out to dinner with my family and leave me at home. i don't care what i said. yes, i said "i don't want to go", but he knows EXACTLY what i meant.

what started this terrible situation? well, it started because the cable went out. (not my fault by the way) well, days before i had noticed that there is a reset option on the front of the box, so i offered this suggestion to rodney. "babe, if you hold down the power button you can reset the box." this spiraled him into a rage of "you talk to me like i'm an idiot" "why don't you think that i know what i'm doing" etc. i knew that i had undermined his manliness so i backed off but later i had to ask about the shirt he was wearing. it was a misssstake.

after putting me in a terrible mood, rodney became re energized and happy. he got dressed and then laid on the bed with tom watching disney tv. while i, pouted and didn't get dressed on time to leave for dinner. so he left w/o me. . .

after they got home and after an hour long fight including tears, thrown objects, empty divorce threats and one slap to his forhead, we some what made up and watched a funny movie with tommy. but later in the night i forced him to ask me how i fixed the cable, and i said. . . . i reset the box. this is a lie, or a part truth, because i had to call AT&T and have tech support reset the box.

i'm sure that one day i will be able to laugh at this, unfortunately. . . . . . today is not that day.

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